Kingsmen Golf

Project type:
Website / Responsive Design
1 week sprint

Project Overview

Kingsmen Golf reached out to me to revamp their homepage website. Their goal was to enhance their online presence by improving their user experience, showcasing their brand story, increasing sales and better displaying their inclusive golf apparel. The redesign focused on refining navigation, visual appeal, and overall user engagement. I worked as the lead UX Designer in this project using Shopify's platform.

The Challenge

Kingsmen Golf encountered several issues affecting their business performance:

  • Low Customer Retention: Existing customers were not returning to make repeated purchases.
  • High Homepage Drop-off Rates: Visitors to the website were leaving without engaging or making purchases.
  • Slow Sales: The rate of product sales were below expectations.
  • Low Customer Engagement: Customers were not interacting with the brand or its offerings as desired.
  • Product Launch Concerns: With new apparel products arriving, there was a need to address these issues to ensure successful launches.

    This initiative was particularly crucial given the impending launch of new product lines. With this objective in mind, I embarked on a comprehensive investigation to identify areas for improvement and devise solutions that would enhance the overall customer experience.

    Research & Discovery

    To better understand these challenges, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing website. I navigated through every page to observe user interactions and identify pain points and explored reasons for low customer retention and engagement. Through my research, I discovered:

    • Confusing Site Structure and Navigation : The website had a confusing layout and unclear navigation, causing user frustration and high bounce rates. The main menu used vague, non-descriptive labels for product categories (e.g., "The Eighteen," "The Tour," "The Range") that didn't clearly indicate what items were being sold. This lack of clarity made it difficult for visitors to understand the product offerings and locate desired items, ultimately hindering the shopping experience and potentially driving customers away.
    • Limited Brand Story Telling: The brand's story and values were not prominently displayed, missing opportunities for emotional connection.
    • Unclear Product Presentation: Products were not showcased in a way that effectively communicated their details and features.
    • No User Account:There was no functionality for user accounts or a loyalty program to encourage return visits.
    • Lack of Clear Calls to Action: The announcement banner did not provide straightforward actions for users to follow Kingsmen Golf on social media or sign up for membership. Additionally, some key shopping sections were missing the  "Shop Now" hyperlinks, making it more challenging for visitors to navigate, shop, and engage with the site. This absence of clear CTAs hindered users from easily accessing important features and taking desired actions.

    Design Solution 1

    As noted, the previous homepage of Kingsmen Golf featured a navigation structure that was confusing for users, along with vague product categories and minimal visual storytelling. This approach did not effectively convey the brand's story or engage visitors. Below is a comparison of the site's navigation before and after the redesign.

        Before Homepage Navigation

          After Homepage Navigation

                  The navigation experience now features clear labels, easily accessible product categories, and a more organized information structure. Here are the key enhancements:

                  • Clearer Navigation: I remodeled the top menu with easy-to-understand labels, and user-friendly dropdown menus. I also introduced a new "Royal Circle Rewards" section aimed at improving member retention. This loyalty program allows customers to earn points for their purchases, which can be redeemed for rewards, encouraging repeat business and fostering brand loyalty. Additionally, an account icon was added to streamline the login process. This feature enables users to quickly access their accounts, view their order history, manage preferences, and track rewards points effortlessly.
                  • Improved Information Architecture: I restructured content for easier access, created clear pathways to key information and products.
                  • Announcement Banner and Social Media Integration: I added a banner below the Kingsmen logo for important announcements, promotions and social media access.

                  Design Solution 2

                  After optimizing the navigation experience, I turned my attention to the homepage to identify specific challenges users were facing that were causing a poor user experience.  

                  Key pain points observed included:

                  • Limited Brand Storytelling: The website didn't effectively communicate Kingsmen Golf's unique story, mission, and values. This likely resulted in missed opportunities to connect emotionally with visitors, lack of differentiation from competitors, difficulty in establishing brand loyalty and recognition.
                  • Basic Product Displays without Clear Categorization: Absence of clear, descriptive product categories, insufficient product details and features, no logical organization or hierarchy of products.
                  • Visual Design Issues: Button colors were unappealing,typography didn't match the Kingsmen Golf brand.
                  • Missed Opportunities for Engagement: Without compelling prompts, users were less inclined to explore product details or understand the brand's unique offerings.
                  • Limited CTAs: The website did not effectively direct users toward meaningful calls to actions, such as signing up for the loyalty program or making purchases from featured golf apparel collections. This lack of guidance made it more challenging for visitors to interact with the site and take advantage of these opportunities.

                    These issues collectively resulted in a poor user experience, likely leading to reduced engagement, lower conversion rates, and missed opportunities for building brand loyalty and increasing sales. The redesign aimed to address these problems by enhancing visual storytelling and creating a more intuitive and user-friendly website structure. Below is a comparison of the before and after homepage revamp.

                    Before Homepage Revamp

                      After Homepage

                                      The revamped homepage showcases improved navigation, vibrant imagery that highlights inclusivity, refined typography and buttons that reflects the golf brand's identity, and clear product descriptions. Here are the key enhancements:

                                      • Compelling Visual Storytelling: The design prominently displays a hero image featuring diverse golfers to highlight inclusivity, enhanced by videos and lifestyle images that strengthen the brand story and build emotional connection.
                                      • Improved Product Display: The product display has been enhanced with better-organized categories and collections that highlight featured golf apparel. High-quality images clearly showcase the products, while improved button colors provide better contrast and visibility for an enhanced user experience.
                                      • Clear CTAs: Buttons are strategically placed through out the homepage to encourage user engagement, whether it's shopping or becoming a Royal Circle member.
                                      • Refined Typography: Updated typography to better reflect the golf brand's identity, using fonts that convey elegance and professionalism.The selected typeface resonates with the sport's heritage while maintaining modern readability.

                                      Results & Next Steps

                                      While specific metrics are not yet available due to its launch, the initial feedback from stakeholders has been overwhelmingly positive. The redesign has generated considerable excitement, with stakeholders eagerly anticipating the results in the near future. The redesign has transformed the site from a confusing and difficult-to-navigate platform into an attractive and user-friendly experience. By addressing key issues such as complex navigation, unclear information architecture, and ineffective product presentation—while also updating typography to align with the golf brand's identity—the new website is set to significantly enhance user engagement, lower bounce rates, improve brand perception, and drive overall business performance.